
Hello! My name is…


My name is Hannah Camfield. I am a twenty-something Illinoisan who is starting a blog for a multitude of reasons. I guess that is the purpose of this first post… to introduce myself and explain the “why” or purpose behind my writing.

I’ll start with the first objective: to introduce myself. I always have mixed feelings on how people should describe themselves. I’ve been listening to a lot podcasts and doing more “for fun” reading lately, and they argue that what you do is not who you are… but this is how everyone always introduces themselves. “Hi, I’m Meredith, and I’m an accountant.” What else are you supposed to say? “Hi, I’m Meredith, and I love ice cream and books.” That might make for more interesting conversation; maybe people should introduce themselves like that more often!

Regardless, I’m Hannah and I teach English, coach CrossFit, and do the whole fitness thing. I find my scope in fitness to be a little different than others – I love CrossFit and coach at my local gym, but I also have competed in an NPC bikini show. They are sort of on the opposite side of the fitness spectrum. One is focused on performance and athleticism while the other emphasizes aesthetics. They each have their perks, and I highly enjoy both. CrossFit pushes me to my absolute physical limits and tests my physical strength. Bodybuilding enables me to slow down and truly focus on a long term goal. I am lucky enough to meet some wonderful people through both these activities, and I honestly could not imagine my life without fitness in it.

I also have a wonderful, supportive husband and two cute fur-babies. My husband, Ace – cool name I know, is currently taking classes and will soon apply to a few Physician Assistant schools. That is about to be a whole other adventure itself. We will have to move, but I am looking forward to getting out and trying another new city! As for the fur-children: one french bulldog (Elsie) and one black cat (Eva).

I feel like this is probably a long enough first post. I have to maintain interest, right? So this is where I’ll cut. Next time I will discuss the purpose behind this blog. Until then, I’ll just keep you guessing 😉


Han C

P.S. Still figuring out WordPress.. so sorry if anything seems absolutely crazy!

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